My words if wisdom for this evening.  I see quite a few dwelling posts. By dwelling posts I mean posts by people lamenting on what a good partner you were. I saw posts from people lamenting on how this person is going to miss out or how that person didn't appreciate you. The truth of the matter is it doesn't matter how good a person you are or how well you treated someone, if they weren't ready, they weren't ready. If they didn't feel you were fully compatible then there is no changing that. You can't wish someone into loving you. You can't will someone into loving you. You definitely can't guilt someone into loving you. In fact, why would you want to be with someone you had to force into acting as if they want to be with you. The person meant for you won't need coaxing. The person meant for you will look forward to seeing  your face everyday. The person meant for you will look forward to hearing your voice. 
Stop dwelling on the why didn't he/she want to be with you. Find someone who loves you unconditionally, even if that person is you.



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