My Cause: Narcolepsy, More Than A Sleep Disorder

Some of you are probably sick of hearing me speak on this, and I would apologize accept for the fact that I am not sorry. We all have causes that are important to us. This is mine, and I am not going to let my only show of support be a black ribbon for Narcolepsy or a pic of me stating Narcolepsy Not Alone.
I put a lot out here and it isn't for sympathy. I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me because God has got me. There are people like me, who need help. Narcolepsy is so much more than a sleep disorder. It affects cognitive skills, muscoskeletal functioning, metabolism, as well as other neurological functioning. I have lost family, friends, jobs,  homes and any ability to live a normal life. I never thought I would end up in a homeless shelter, but I did and it was other Narcoleptics who helped me, people who are also in fear of losing everything they have. The numbers just keep increasing. No one questions Parkinson's, or Dimentia. You say Narcolepsy, and it's, " Oh, I have that sometimes." No, you don't. It is not just being uncontrollably sleepy.It is so much more and it robs you of self. People say, well it won't kill you. When you have Narcolepsy, you aren't living. You are existing. Imagine no being able to work, drive a car, go out to movies, or not being able to laugh at a simple joke. Imagine if you could barely find the energy to leave your home, if you even still have a home. What if you couldn't take a simple shower without having to drop to the floor right after? That is Narcolepsy, and I have only covered an infintismal part if the damage this neurological disease does.


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