White Privilege Does Exist
Some of you out there don't realize how divided our country really is. You think that if we discuss race relations, we are further dividing our country. News flash, this country can't get much more divided than it already is. Just because something is not your reality doesn't mean it isn't a reality, so stop insisting these issues are not still prevelant. That would be like healthy people insisting chronic illnesses aren't real, or are exaggerated just because it is not a part of their life experience. The KKK still exists. Racists still hold prominent positions in our government. White Supremacists do join the police force. Whypipo are still scared of POC simply because of the color of their skin or their religious beliefs. Non POC do call the police on POC just because they can. AND YES, White👏 Privilege 👏Does👏Exist👏. Again,just because it isn't your reality doesn't mean it isn't a reality.
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