My Friends Suck
I wonder how many of my friends shared, contributed to, or participated in the ice bucket challenge when the probably don't even know anyone with ALS, but haven't taken a few minutes to even look at the Narcolepsy petition. I suppose I need to have some celebrity pushing it, or some half naked men and women promoting it to get people's attention. I guess it isn't a legitimate enough cause because there isn't some star athlete saying he has it, or knows someone with it. Maybe most people just don't really believe it is a serious or debilitating illness and I am pushing the issue because, well, I have nothing better to do with my damned time. Maybe the veteran's who have been dismissed without benefits, the families who have lost careers and homes, the mother's and fathers who have lost families over this don't warrant the same compassion because Narcolepsy is just that disease that makes you sleep, instead of a neurological condition /autoimmune d...