
Showing posts from October, 2015

A Letter To

This letter is on behalf of the countless PWN who have had to deal with insensitive remarks from people they know and love. It makes my heart hurt whenever I hear some of the things we have to hear from the people who are supposed to love support and be there for us. I am sick of the way many PWN  are treated. I am tired of the asinine comments and the insults that are hurled at us. I say us, because I don't think there is one single person with Narcolepsy hasn't gone through the indignity of being put down in some way for something that is beyond their control. In fact, I don't think anyone with any invisible, chronic illness has not gone through it. For all of you non supportive, judgmental  people,  I think you need to be educated on a few things, since many of you seem to be the lazy ones. Yes, I used the word lazy because many of you are too lazy to take just a little  bit of time out of your day to actually learn about conditions like Narcolepsy,  Fibrom...

Dream 2

I know I haven't been blogging in awhile,  but sometimes you have those experiences you just have to write about. This is one of those. Many if you may not be familiar with lucid dreams. They are very vivid dreams in which you actually feel like you have stepped into the dream. It is like 3D times a thousand. I think it is actually more like stepping into an alternate reality because you feel like you are actually living the dream. I just had once such dream and all I can say is, it just took so much from me that my emotions are in a jumble. I lost my mother last December. It was the first time in my 46 years that I lost someone I really loved. Some of you who know me may say what about my father, but we won't even begin to go into that. I have had lucid dreams before, but never a lucid dream inside of a lucid dream and never one that affected me so deeply. I swear it was as if my mother had never left this earth and her passing was the dream. I am not even sure where to be...


I haven't bogged in quite awhile. I have never blogged about anything so personal, but this one hit me deeply. Most don't know a lot about Narcolepsy. Many don't know much about lucid dreaming, so I am sure very few know the two go hand in hand. Lucid dreams can seem like more than just dreams. I liken it to stepping into an alternate reality, existing in a different dimension, because they are so vivid. You smell the scents. You feel the breath and touches pressed against you. Most importantly, you can feel every emotion that goes along with those experiences. Many time, for people with Narcolepsy, those realistic dreams can come in the form of terrifying nightmares. Yep, being a Narcoleptic, you run the gamut of, "which is the lesser of the evils?" We are already excessively sleepy to the point that the average person would have to go 24-48 hours without sleep to experience how we feel almost every single day of our existence, regardless of how much we sleep. Wh...